Friday, December 15, 2017

CWS December Mid-Month Inspiration: Reindeer

Hello, dear friends!!!

More inspiration from our DT...are you ready for the Holidays???

First up, our fabulous GDT...

Guest DT Shawna
(using Sponsor's image - Winter Mittens)

And our DT:

Mary V
(using Sponsor's image: Ronnie the Reindeer)


Link up to 3 cards for a chance to win a prize!!!
Click HERE to see the original post!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Winners from November Challenge #20: Thankful

Hello, dear friends!!!

It's time to announce our winners from last month!
Thanks so much for playing in our November Challenge #20: "Thankful". We had a hard time choosing the winners, as always!!!

So, in no particular order, chosen by our DT...

Our Honorable Mentions:

Our TOP 3:

And our Challenge WINNER:

Congratulations, everyone!!! 
Please, grab your badges (click on the top bar tab - above our Challenge banner)!!!


The PRIZE WINNER, chosen by, is:

#12. Mimi

Wow Mimi, you are a lucky girl...the DT member loves your card and you also be a winner from, congrats Mimi :)

Your Prize: 

3 images 

Mimi, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form on the Blog's right side bar or top link tab.

Dont forget to joining our current Challenge, just klick HERE!!!

Friday, December 1, 2017

CWS Challenge #21: Reindeer

Hello, dear friends!!!

December is here! 
It's a new Challenge for Creative with Stamps!
And I couldn't wait until New Year to change the look on the hope you like it!!!

Winners from last month's Thankful Challenge will be announced on the 5th, so please, check back!!!

Our newest theme is:

Our Sponsor:

3 images 

(for Random Winner)


Here's a card from our fabulous
(using Sponsor's Image: Ronnie the Reindeer)

And our DT:

(using Sponsor's images: Ronnie the Reindeer and Holiday Topiary)

Mary V
(using Sponsor's Image: Reindeer in Snow)

(using Sponsor's Image: Reindeer in Snow)

Billie A


Some guidelines:
1. Must include stamping on CARDS (digital stamps are welcome!)
2. Participants may link up to 3 cards per challenge.
3. NO backlinking, please...Cards must be new!
4. Please, link back to your Card's post, not your entire blog.
5. Please, mention "Creative with Stamps" in your post and add a link back to our Blog.
6. Please, add our Challenge Graphic to your post (for a chance to win the Prize).
7. Participants may link to 10 other challenges (11 total with our challenge).
8. Please, leave a comment on three other blogs. We love to get comment and others, too. =)

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

CWS November Mid-Month Inspiration: Thankful

Here we is it mid-November already???

Some more inspiration from our DT...

Guest DT Shawna
(using Sponsor's Image - Blackeyed Susans)

Mary V
(using Sponsor's Image - Autumn Wreath)

Helen F
(using Sponsor's Image - Cuddles in Red Wagon)

Billie A


Link up to 3 cards for a chance to win a prize!!!

Click HERE to see to the original post!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Winners from October Challenge #19: Shoes

Hello, dear friends!!!

It's time to announce our winners from last month!
Thanks so much for playing in our October Challenge #19: "Shoes". We had a hard time choosing the winners, as always :)

So, in no particular order, chosen by our DT...

Our Honorable Mentions:

Our TOP 3:

And our Challenge WINNER:

Congratulations, everyone!!! 
Please, grab your badges (click on the top bar tab - above our Challenge banner)!!!


The PRIZE WINNER, chosen by, is:

Your Prize:

4 images from Bugaboo Stamps
Flo, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form on the Blog's right side bar or top link tab.

Our current Challenge is HERE!!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

CWS Challenge #20: Thankful

Hello, dear friends!!!

I can't believe it's November already!!! Time for a new Challenge!
Winners from the October Challenge will be announced on the 5th, so please, check back!

This is our new theme:


3 images 
(for Random Winner)


Shawna will be our Guest DT until January! Many thanks to say Yes to Monika`s question and we are so happy to have you as our GDT Shawna.

Here's a little bit about her...

"Hello, my name is Shawna Standish from TheGrandStampede. I am so happy to be Creative with Stamps guest designer for the next coming months. So, how did I start this obsession with stamping and cardmaking? Well, it started off on a grim note.

I was told in 2013 that I have lost sight in my periphery and center vision. The doctors said it may progress to complete blindness. Fortunately, after seeing a number of specialists it was determined my blindness occurred earlier in life. Yes, the disease might progress, but I have chosen to think positively and not dwell on what ‘might’ happen.

During this time, I started to look at the world in a different way. It was full of colors, shapes, light, and elements. It all looked so clear to me. I wanted to soak it all up.

I was so inspired by my ‘new’ sight, that I acquired an immense amount of creative energy. I had to get out, somehow? It was then I discovered stamping. I was hooked and wanted to share my love for crafting with others who felt the same way. So, 2014 I started my blog TheGrandStampede. I entered some challenges and was so inspired by everyone’s art and wonderful comments, I knew I had to do more.

Which brings me here. Currently, I am on four design teams and am loving it! Creating with a team is so wonderfully creative and dynamic! We can only see what the future brings by learning and creating! That should do it for me. I would like to thank Creative with Stamps again for this tremendous opportunity and I will surely have loads of fun in the next coming months.

If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to check out my blog TheGrandStampede and become a follower. I only hope you get as much inspiration from me as I have from all of you. Thank you again to all and happy crafting!"

Check out GDT Shawna's creation:

And here's our DT inspiration:

Some guidelines:
1. Must include stamping on CARDS (digital stamps are welcome!)
2. Participants may link up to 3 cards per challenge.
3. NO backlinking, please...Cards must be new!
4. Please, link back to your Card's post, not your entire blog.
5. Please, mention "Creative with Stamps" in your post and add a link back to our Blog.
6. Please, add our Challenge Graphic to your post (for a chance to win the Prize).
7. Participants may link to 10 other challenges (11 total with our challenge).
8. Please, leave a comment on three other blogs. We love to get comment and others, too. =)

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