Tuesday, August 15, 2017

CWS August Mid-Month Inspiration: Boys to Men

Hello, everyone!

It's Mid-Month Inspiration time!!! This month we have theme Boys To Men, so you can join us if you made a creation for Boys or for Men, can't wait to see your creation on our gallery :)

Billie A



Click HERE to see the original POST!

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Winners From July Challenge #16 Celebrate

Hello, everyone!

Thanks so much for joining our July Challenge #16"Celebrate". We had so many pretty entries, that it was really hard to choose the winners...

Now, we would like to announce our Honorable Mentions, Top 3 and Winner (DT Picks) and our Random.org prize winner...

Our Honorable Mentions are:

Our Challenge WINNER is:
Congratulations, ladies! Grab your badges on the top tab, above our blog header!


Our RANDOM.org Prize Winner is:

#4 Linda S 
(who happens to be our Honorable Mention, too!)

Your Prize is from:

4 images from Bugaboo Stamps

Linda, please contact us using the "Contact Us" form on the Blog's right side bar or Top Link Bar.

Our Current (August) Challenge is HERE. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

CWS Challenge #17: Boys to Men

Happy August, dear friends!!!

New month, new challenge, new DT member!!!

Please, welcome our new DT member Gwendolyn Goh!

"Hi I’m Gwendolyn aka desperatehousewifecraft! I’m originally from Singapore but I spent more than half my life living away from home, in places like New Zealand and France, and we now live in Ulm, Germany. I'm on sabbatical from my job in communications in the aeronautical industry, since I arrived here 4 years ago and adjusting to be a stay at home mum to our 2 kids & 2 dogs, hence my blog name: desperate housewife craft! 
I entered the crafting world 4 years ago, when I started a scrapbook a month before I left France, for my best friend there, to leave her a memory of our 20 year friendship. I remember going for a scrapbook class as I didn't know what it meant and what I had to do! Lol! She got the scrapbook.. 2 years later... and that was the last I touched a scrapbook! I tried crochet, soy candle making, and then 1 year ago, I don't really know why, I started card making. And I have been obsessed with it ever since! I love learning new techniques and being challenged by challenges. My style is mainly clean and simple and playing with watercolours, which I learnt to use a few months ago.
I'm so thrilled to have been asked to join this team and I hope you like the first card I made for this challenge, as it's also the first time I've made a card like this!"

Visit her Blog (https://desperatehousewifecraft.com) and leave her some love!

Thank you for linking your awesome cards last month...winners will be announced on the 5th, so please, check back!!!
And this month, we want to see your masculine cards:

Our Sponsor:

$25 Gift Certificate
(for RANDOM Winner)

And here's some inspiration from our DT...
...using Sponsor's products:

(using Sponsor's Lace-Up: Celebration, Stars)

Mary V
(using Sponsor's Totem Poppet Dolphin)

Our new DT member...

And our fabulous and creative ladies...

Billie A



Some guidelines:
1. Must include stamping on CARDS (digital stamps are welcome!)
2. Participants may link up to 3 cards per challenge.
3. NO backlinking, please...Cards must be new!
4. Please, link back to your Card's post, not your entire blog.
5. Please, mention "Creative with Stamps" in your post and add a link back to our Blog.
6. Please, add our Challenge Graphic to your post (for a chance to win the Prize).
7. Participants may link to 10 other challenges (11 total with our challenge).

8. Please, leave a comment on three other blogs. We love to get comment and others, too. =)

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